Becoming a VetSkill approved centre is a simple process. Fill in our Centre Recognition Initial Interest Form and we will get back to you as soon as possible to talk you through the next steps.
Please contact us at info@vetskill.com or call us on 01480 278580 if you are thinking about delivering a VetSkill qualification.
You can find our list of upcoming OSCE dates here.
Results are delivered directly to the centre 15 working days after the date of the assessment.
Please contact us at info@vetskill.com or call us on 01480 278580 to find your nearest centre.
To obtain a replacement certificate, please go to the ‘Centre Information’ page on the VetSkill Hub. Here you will find an ‘Application for Replacement Certificate’. Upon completion of this form, and on receipt of payment, a replacement certificate will be issued.
End-Point Assessment:
In order for a training provider to apply to work with us as their EPAO they need to complete an End-Point Assessment Registration Form.
As part of our support materials, we have handbooks that support the training provider, employer and apprentice. They provide a complete breakdown of each component, how they will be delivered, how long they last and how to prepare.
ACE360 allows training providers to register apprentices, upload and download documentation and track the progress of apprentices. You can find out more about the platform here.
Remote invigilation enables an apprentice to take an assessment in their home or work environment while ensuring the test is secure and integrity is maintained. This allows for flexibility with, when, and where the test is taken.
Currently all of VetSkill’s multiple-choice question examinations can be completed via remote invigilation. Our remote invigilation is provided by Proctorio and is not conducted in a ‘live’ environment. This means that the assessment is recorded and can be invigilated after the exam has been completed.
VetSkill provides details of the location and equipment requirements for assessments. These are contained within the guides and, as part of the planning process, our Independent End-Point Assessor will check that you know the requirements before the assessments take place.
Suitably Qualified Persons (SQP):
Yes, transferring to the VetSkill SQP Register is a simple process. Complete the online SQP Transfer Registration Form and pay the VetSkill SQP registration fee. We will check your details align with those provided on the VMD SQP published list and, if validated, ask you to submit evidence of your CPD online. Once confirmed, we will inform you and the VMD that you have successfully transferred to VetSkill. If you are not eligible to join the VetSkill Register, you will be provided with a full refund.
No. VetSkill’s annual CPD requirements are calculated in hours, in alignment with many other professional registers. VetSkill will accept relevant CPD offered by different providers. As an SQP, you are professionally responsible for remaining up to date and competent in your role. Consequently, you are expected to complete CPD that is relevant to your SQP category and at a standard that reflects your status.
VetSkill will accept all relevant CPD offered by other providers. As VetSkill’s CPD requirements are set out in hours, the duration of any CPD completed must be recorded.
Yes, the process will depend on when you were last registered and if you meet VetSkill’s requirements to join our SQP Register. You must complete an application form, provide the relevant information and pay the applicable fees. If your registration lapsed more than 12 months ago, you must also pass VetSkill’s professional examination to ensure ongoing competency.
VetSkill’s CPD system is calculated in hours; therefore, you must prove that CPD was completed in this format or demonstrate you have fully met your current register holder’s CPD requirements.
If you are still seeking answers, please fill in our contact form, and we will gladly help you.