VetSkill celebrates learner success with ‘VetSkill OSCE Star’ award

VetSkill is delighted to announce the ‘VetSkill OSCE Star’ award, which has been created in recognition of learners who have achieved a Pass grade in all 12 of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) tasks for the VetSkill VTEC Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Companion Animal / Equine) and VetSkill Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Companion Animal / Equine).

As an accredited awarding body, we recognise that we have the unique ability to empower our future workforce, so the ‘VetSkill OSCE Star’ further demonstrates a commitment to inspiring success in learners by enhancing the learning experience. The award plays a major role in our efforts to encourage a climate of progression and individual excellence.

We acknowledge that a 12/12 OSCE Pass is a remarkable achievement and want to showcase and celebrate this success by issuing our newly designed ‘VetSkill OSCE Star’ badges (pictured) and certificates.

The ‘VetSkill OSCE Star’ badges have been designed to be worn on the uniforms of newly qualified registered veterinary nurses venturing into the veterinary profession as a shining symbol of exceptional performance and an outstanding level of competency in the OSCE assessment. Awardees will also receive a certificate of achievement, which officially confirms the presentation of the award.

Emma Du Beke, Practical Examinations Lead at VetSkill, comments:

“From a learner’s perspective, the OSCE can be perceived as a daunting experience and the preparation that goes into an OSCE should not be underestimated. While learners are assessed in 12 stations, they have to be familiar with the entire OSCE question bank, comprising over 50 scenarios. During an OSCE, not only does the learner need to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding within a range of the Day One Skills (DOS), in many cases they also need to manage assessment-related anxiety.

At VetSkill, we recognise the hard work and dedication that starts long before a learner arrives at their OSCE, so demonstrating competency across all 12 OSCE tasks on the day is no mean feat”.

We are pleased to share that not only will recent and future eligible VetSkill learners receive this award, but also historic learners dating back to February 2022, when we celebrated our first 12/12 OSCE Pass. These learners can expect to begin receiving their certificates and badges from w/c 27 January 2025.

Please note that this is only applicable to VetSkill learners.

About OSCEs

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is widely used within veterinary education and is accepted within the profession as a robust method of assessing a student veterinary nurse’s competency across a range of DOS.

As the name suggests, an OSCE is designed to be objective, whereby each learner is assessed against set criteria, with students rotating around a circuit of task stations. The stations are structured to simulate clinical environments, allowing students to demonstrate and apply their clinical and practical skills and knowledge using a standardised approach.

Learn more about VetSkill’s qualifications here. For further information on becoming an approved VetSkill centre, please visit: Become a Centre — VetSkill. Kiera from the VetSkill Quality Assurance Team will be in contact to arrange an initial meeting to discuss the process and provide support and guidance throughout. 


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